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The Authors

Volker Preuss

Autor - Volker Preuß ABC-Abwehrbataillon 705, Bad Düben, 1. Kompanie, 2.,3.,4. Quartal 1992

Volker Preuss is the founder and operator of flaggenlexikon.de, responsible for the content as well as the graphical and functional implementation. He has learned several professions with recognized exam. He is a typesetter for desktop publishing (today called 'media designer') and offset printer, worked for many years in both professions and is now production manager in a medium-sized dialogue marketing company. Having taken a keen interest in flags since the age of seven, he used his prior knowledge to bundle his interests in flags, coats of arms, history, and geography into a web page.

Jürgen Kaltschmitt

Jürgen Kaltschmitt Wappen Kaltschmitt

Jürgen Kaltschmitt is a scientific employee of flaggenlexikon.de, responsible for the historically and technically correct drafting of the texts, has an advisory role in the area of flags and coats of arms and writes his own texts. He has passed two professions with a recognized exam. On the one hand: advertising propagandist for technical toys, on the other hand: industrial clerk (IHK-certified). In 1996 followed law studies, which were terminated after seven semesters for health reasons. Jürgen Kaltschmitt has been dependent on wheelchairs since that point of time. From the age of three, he developed a strong interest in flags and coats of arms.


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